


Green Lease Agreements

Brochures and reports

Environmental certifications of properties (1)

Core areas

Austurstræti 16

Austurstræti 22

Ármúli 26

Ármúli 4 og 6


Borgartún 20

Borgartún 29

Borgartún 33

Borgartún 8-16

Brekkustígur 39

Bæjarhraun 16

Bæjarhraun 18

Bæjarhraun 20

Bæjarhraun 22

Bæjarhraun 8

Bæjarlind 1-3

Bæjarlind 4

Dalshraun 15

Dvergshöfði 2


Eyrartröð 2a

Faxafen 12

Faxafen 14

Fellsmúli 26

Funahöfði 19

Garðatorg 1

Garðatorg 3

Garðatorg 4

Garðatorg 6

Glerárgata 26

Glerárgata 30

Glerárgata 32

Grensásvegur 16

Guðríðarstígur 6-8

Hafnarstræti 1

Hafnarstræti 17-19

Hafnarstræti 18

Hafnarstræti 83-89


Hlíðasmári 1

Hlíðasmári 11

Hlíðasmári 12

Hlíðasmári 4

Hlíðasmári 6

Íshella 8

Katrínartún 2

Kaupvangur 3b

Laugavegur 116

Lágmúli 6-8

Leikskólinn Hörðuvellir

Leikskólinn Sjálandi

Leikskólinn Tjarnarás

Litlatún 3

Lóuhólar 2-4

Miðhella 2

Miðhraun 11

Miðhraun 15

Miðhraun 4

Mjölnisholt 12-14

Njarðarnes 3-7

Norðurhella 10

Norðurhraun 1

Ofanleiti 2

Rauðhella 5

Reykjavíkurvegur 74

Síðumúli 28

Skipagata 9

Skólastígur 4

Skúlagata 19

Skúlagata 21

Skútuvogur 1

Skútuvogur 2


Sóltún 2

Stillholt 16-18

Stórhöfði 23

Stórhöfði 33

Strandgata 14

Suðurhraun 1

Suðurhraun 3

Suðurlandsbraut 14

Sunnuhlíð 12

Tjarnarvellir 11

Tryggvagata 11

Túngata 7

Vatnagarðar 10

Vatnagarðar 6

Vatnagarðar 8

Vegmúli 3

Vesturvör 29

Vínlandsleið 1

Þingholtsstræti 2-4

Þórsgata 1

Þverholt 14

Ögurhvarf 6

En­vironmental certificati­ons of properties

36% of Heimar’s portfolio is BREEAM In-use certified.

Properties’ environmental certifications play a major role in reducing the negative environmental impact of the company’s properties. At the beginning of 2019, a decision was made to start the BREEAM In-use environmental certification of properties in the portfolio and the goal is for 50% of the portfolio to be certified by 2026.

With the environmental certification of properties it is, for example, possible to identify the risks that each building creates for the environment. In addition, it is a confirmation by a third party that the operator follows the best standards and requirements in the operation of properties. The certification facilitates the provision of information to lessees about operational aspects such as energy consumption and waste sorting, which are increasingly in demand.

We have worked diligently on the BREEAM In-Use environmental certification of our buildings in recent years. Smáralind was the company's first building to receive certification in 2019, and also the first building in Iceland to receive the certification. Since then, Höfðatorg tower in Katrínartún 2, Borgartún 8-16 and, most recently, Egilshöll have received the certification.

According to certification requirements, re-certification takes place every three years and Smáralind has already received its re-certification. The re-certification process of Höfðatorg tower has started.

36% of Heimar's property portfolio has therefore received BREEAM In-Use environmental certification, Áslandsskóli is in the certification process and the aim is to certify even more properties.