Service request
Did something go wrong or do you need help in the rental space? Contact us and we’ll be in touch.
Please contact us for further information.

Operating costs are the actual costs incurred during the operation of the property and are therefore variable in nature. Operating costs are charged according to a percentage. Typical fixed items are heating, electricity, cleaning, waste, fire alarm systems, building management, grounds maintenance, technical and security systems, elevators, and air conditioning systems. Bills can vary between months, e.g. be higher due to snow removal in winter.
Operating costs are the actual costs incurred during the operation of the property and are therefore variable in nature. Operating costs are charged according to a percentage. Typical fixed items are heating, electricity, cleaning, waste, fire alarm systems, building management, grounds maintenance, technical and security systems, elevators, and air conditioning systems. Bills can vary between months, e.g. be higher due to snow removal in winter.
Rekstrarkostnaður er sá raunkostnaður sem fellur til við rekstur fasteignarinnar og er því breytilegur í eðli sínu. Rekstrarkostnaður er innheimtur samkvæmt hlutfallstölu. Dæmigerðir fastir liðir eru hiti, rafmagn, þrif, sorp, brunakerfi, húsumsjón, lóðarumhirða, tækni- og öryggiskerfi, lyfta og loftræstikerfi. Reikningar geta verið misháir á milli mánaða, t.d. verið hærri vegna snjómoksturs á veturna.
Did something go wrong or do you need help in the rental space? Contact us and we’ll be in touch.