


Green Lease Agreements

Brochures and reports

Environmental certifications of properties (1)

Core areas

Austurstræti 16

Austurstræti 22

Ármúli 26

Ármúli 4 og 6


Borgartún 20

Borgartún 29

Borgartún 33

Borgartún 8-16

Brekkustígur 39

Bæjarhraun 16

Bæjarhraun 18

Bæjarhraun 20

Bæjarhraun 22

Bæjarhraun 8

Bæjarlind 1-3

Bæjarlind 4

Dalshraun 15

Dvergshöfði 2


Eyrartröð 2a

Faxafen 12

Faxafen 14

Fellsmúli 26

Funahöfði 19

Garðatorg 1

Garðatorg 3

Garðatorg 4

Garðatorg 6

Glerárgata 26

Glerárgata 30

Glerárgata 32

Grensásvegur 16

Guðríðarstígur 6-8

Hafnarstræti 1

Hafnarstræti 17-19

Hafnarstræti 18

Hafnarstræti 83-89


Hlíðasmári 1

Hlíðasmári 11

Hlíðasmári 12

Hlíðasmári 4

Hlíðasmári 6

Íshella 8

Katrínartún 2

Kaupvangur 3b

Laugavegur 116

Lágmúli 6-8

Leikskólinn Hörðuvellir

Leikskólinn Sjálandi

Leikskólinn Tjarnarás

Litlatún 3

Lóuhólar 2-4

Miðhella 2

Miðhraun 11

Miðhraun 15

Miðhraun 4

Mjölnisholt 12-14

Njarðarnes 3-7

Norðurhella 10

Norðurhraun 1

Ofanleiti 2

Rauðhella 5

Reykjavíkurvegur 74

Síðumúli 28

Skipagata 9

Skólastígur 4

Skúlagata 19

Skúlagata 21

Skútuvogur 1

Skútuvogur 2


Sóltún 2

Stillholt 16-18

Stórhöfði 23

Stórhöfði 33

Strandgata 14

Suðurhraun 1

Suðurhraun 3

Suðurlandsbraut 14

Sunnuhlíð 12

Tjarnarvellir 11

Tryggvagata 11

Túngata 7

Vatnagarðar 10

Vatnagarðar 6

Vatnagarðar 8

Vegmúli 3

Vesturvör 29

Vínlandsleið 1

Þingholtsstræti 2-4

Þórsgata 1

Þverholt 14

Ögurhvarf 6

Green Fin­anc­ing

Heimar is dedicated to being a leader in the development and operation of properties as well as contributing to the well-being of society, improving the quality of life and the environment of the residents. The operation and organisation of properties has a significant impact on the environment and residents’ quality of life, as tens of thousands of people stay in Reginn’s properties every day, either for leisure or work. Through targeted actions in property operations, investments, planning, new constructions and through co-operation with tenants, Heimar can play a significant role in shaping people’s environment so that daily life becomes better, more enjoyable and safer.

Guided by continuous improvement, the company has set clear, measurable goals for sustainability. Achievements in that field will continue to be measured in a targeted manner and employees, customers and investors will be informed regularly about the goals and the results achieved. Investments and property operations take a long-term view. It is the company's belief that a focus on sustainability reduces risk in the company's operations and strengthens financial profitability in the long term.

Heimar first published the framework for green financing in March 2020, the first of Icelandic real estate companies to do so, but the framework was updated in March 2023, where goals regarding, for example the emission of

greenhouse gases were updated in line with the good results of the previous years. The framework received an independent opinion from CICERO, the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, first in March 2020 and then again in March 2023.

The green framework is based on the so-called "Green Bond Principles" criteria published by ICMA, the International Capital Market Association.